Kinetica Museum takes up residency at the Hospital Club in Covent Garden, with a curated exhibition and festival entitled Gravity.
The exhibition focuses on metaphysical concepts, forces in nature, the indivisible and an insight into the cosmic realms, highlighting radical new thinking within the fields of art, science and imagination with no bounds. The festival ties in with the 100 year anniversary of Einstein’s theory of relativity, which paved the way for a new dawning in science, and coincides with the launch of Gravity: From the Big Bang to Black Holes, a free on-line course led by Paris Centre for Cosmic Physics promoting exchange, discussion & a greater comprehension of the universe.
Over 50 works will be showcased throughout the building, making up an extraordinary ‘out of this world’ collection of universal and cosmic art.
Artists: Analema Group, Ivan Black, Balint Bolygo, Mike Booth, Daniel Chadwick, Attila Csorgo, Paul Friedlander, Dianne Harris, Dijon Hierlehy, Interactive Agents, Chris Levine, Liliane Lijn, Lorna McNeill, Jasmine Pradissitto, Aphra Shemza, UBIKTeatro, Tom Wilkinson, S. Astrid Bin, Liam Donovan, Daniel Gábana
Festival Programme
The festival programme takes place across two floors of The Hospital Club including the ground floor foyer and gallery space, and the Oak Room on the 2nd floor.
Balint Bolygo presents the theories behind his mechanical installations and laser projections, and discusses the concepts surrounding natural and gravitational forces within his captivating harmonic work.
Interactive Agents orchestrate their ‘Hydro Acoustic Big Bang Filter’, a large musical instrument which allows members of the audience the opportunity to not only experience the sound of the Big Bang, but to ‘play’ it.
11am | Pierre Binetruy from the Paris Centre for Cosmological Physics discusses his work on cosmology, gravitation and the early Universe.
11.30 | Paul Friedlander reveals his work as a light artist & physicist, working with superstring theory and waveforms.
12.00 | Professor George Smoot, Nobel Prizewinner in Physics for his research on cosmic background radiation – the relic of intense heat from the origins of the Universe, discusses his work on astrophysics and observational cosmology.
12.30 | ‘Gravity and Grace’, a talk by Richard Bright, exploring how artistic and scientific preoccupations and imaginations deal with the spiritual and the concept of ‘complementarity‘, a term that suggests the ability to hold different world-views that also inform one another.
1pm | Liliane Lijn is recognised for utilising highly original combinations of industrial materials and artistic processes, and pioneering the interaction of art, science, technology and eastern philosophy. She will discuss her current “Moonmeme’ project and her residency at the NASA Space Sciences Laboratory.
1.30 | John Martineau presents his ideas on geometry and harmony in the solar system, and demonstrates his findings: cosmic coincidences and astronomical discoveries that culminated in his ‘Little Book of Coincidences’
2pm | PANEL DISCUSSION: Art, Imagination and Cosmology – The future of art and the role of artists within the field of science.
The panel will explore imagination within the realms of science and focus on how artists ‘inventions’ have helped further concepts within science.
PANELLISTS: Professor George Smoot and Professor Pierre Binetruy from the Paris Centre for Cosmological Physics; acclaimed international artists Liliane Lijn and Paul Friedlander; Richard Bright, Director of the Interalia Centre and online magazine; and cosmologist John Martineau. Chaired by Kinetica Artistic Director Dianne Harris.
4pm | UBIKTeatro present ‘Oscilla’, a stimulating audiovisual exploration of the oscillating nature of sound and harmonic structures, and through the convergence of music, theatre, video and technology they present their two stereoscopic and holographic installations.
4.45pm | Analema Group reveal their explorations of the relationship between sound, colour, light, movement and form. Evgenia Emets discusses her artistic work in relation to sound and vision, sonic resonance and its expression through visual form. She will also demonstrate transformative properties of sound using tuning forks and Tibetan bowls. And Oliver Gingrich explains how thoughts and emotions are translated into dynamic colour through the brainwave monitoring of their ground-breaking ‘Aura’ installation.
Jasmine Pradissitto presents her theories on Quantum Art. As an ex-physicist turned visual artist, her pieces are process-based using the mathematical and time-dependent laws of forces and gravity.
Kinetic light sculptor and physicist Paul Friedlander will perform with his mesmerising hand-held wave structures and projections, accompanied by Zoot Lynham, who plays the Hang, a steelplan musical instrument.
TicketsFriday / Sunday: £7 / £5 (conc)
Saturday: £12 / £10 Tickets available in advance only from HERE
Tickets valid for entry on one day only Kinetica Museum
The Hospital Club
24 Endell St. London WC2H 9HQ